Inflation, the high cost of living puts one in three Italians in difficulty: spending cuts, goodbye travel

Inflation, the high cost of living puts one in three Italians in difficulty: spending cuts, goodbye travel


One out of 3 Italians affected by inflation

Inflation weighs on consumers, to the point that one Italian out of three is in a difficult economic situation and the least well-off families are largely affected by the clear deterioration. Altroconsumo has developed a survey, in collaboration with the corresponding organizations of Spain, Belgium and Portugal part of Euroconsumers, able to photograph the behavior of Italians in the face of economic conditions that force them to cut consumption more and more often and, in the most extremes, to resort to loans.
Last April, 31% of those interviewed had declared that they not being able to put aside any savings, n during the month n during the previous year. In December, eight months later, the percentage rose to 41%. For many, the situation is complicated to the point of having to resort to savings (in 37% of cases) or to ask for financial help from friends and relatives (in 13%).


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