Income, the post-Covid recovery in the North: Milan leaves everyone behind, growth of 6.1%

Income, the post-Covid recovery in the North: Milan leaves everyone behind, growth of 6.1%


Growing income in 2021

The data from the 2022 tax returns shows that the total income declared by Italians in 2021 amounted to over 912.4 billion euros, 47 billion more than the previous year (+5.5%) for an average value of 22,540 euros , up 4.5% compared to the average value in 2020. The dynamics of total income reflects the increase in pension, employee and self-employment income thanks to the recovery of the post-Covid economy. A recovery which, as emerges from the data on tax returns published by the Finance Department of the Ministry of the Economy, has accelerated above all in the North. The region with the highest overall average income is Lombardy (26,620 euros), followed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (25,680 euros), while Calabria has the lowest average income (16,300 euros). If it is therefore true that in 2021 the average income of Italians increased, at the same time the gap between the central-northern regions and the southern ones widened further.


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