In the relationship with the corporations for Meloni life is harder than expected

In the relationship with the corporations for Meloni life is harder than expected


Despite the attention dedicated to intermediate bodies, there are several corporate associations that have complicated interlocutions with the majority. And for a right-wing government, a strike by a category such as petrol stations sounds like a sensational counter-attack

Corporations versus nation. A nice derby. For a right-wing government, a strike by a category such as petrol stations sounds like a sensational counter-attack. Because there will certainly have been some underestimation errors on the complex subject of excise duties but in terms of social bloc the abstention scheduled for January 25 and 26 is equivalent to saying that in today’s politics there are no free lunches. There are no guaranteed loyalties. Like modern consumers, intermediate bodies and small trade associations tend to be unfaithful as soon as you touch them on the wallet or when you threaten sanctions. When the right has been in opposition, it has always preferred social dialogue with the free rider categories, those who have always placed before any discourse on the system the uncompromising defense of their own interests. Without ifs and buts.

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