In Sicily Forza Italia splits. Micciché holds the symbol, Schifani the parliamentarians

In Sicily Forza Italia splits.  Micciché holds the symbol, Schifani the parliamentarians


The dispute has ended, at least formally, but the split in the party remains while the Cav. prefer not to intervene. The regional commissioner will maintain the historic name, while the president of the region will maintain control over eight deputies and a commission presidency and two deputies

Gianfranco Micciché you keep the symbol (and the name). Renato Schifani, however, will express eight regional deputies, a presidency and a couple of vice-presidencies in the parliamentary commissions, ripping off the noble party colleague, Berlusconi’s viceroy since ’94, the bulk of the patrol (and prestige). In Sicily it goes like this: Forza Italia wins, but splits. Inexorably. At Palazzo dei Normanni, considered the seat of the oldest parliament in the world, something like this was seen at the time of the Popolo della Liberta, when the ‘usual’ Micciché decided to split his forces and rename one of the two groups Pdl Sicilia, promising loyalty to governor of the time, Raffaele Lombardo.

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