In Naples, the left argues over the word “bivouac”: it is fascist, it must be removed

In Naples, the left argues over the word "bivouac": it is fascist, it must be removed


“It evokes Mussolini’s speech after Matteotti’s assassination”, is the accusation. But the word comes from French. Thus Verdi and the Italian Left are opposing with democratic force the new urban safety regulation promoted by Mayor Manfredi. They have been discussing it for seven months

Since the good citizen is insistently asked to unmask and denounce fascism in all its forms, after the initiative of the City Council of Rome which deservedly intended to correct the names of the colonial streets, such as Via dell’Amba Aradam and Via Tripoli, here is Naples a part of the left is opposing with democratic force the new urban safety regulation promoted by Mayor Manfredi. That’s left. They have been discussing it for seven months. The new regulation is not good, they explain. The provision in fact prohibits the “bivouac”. The noun is removed. It is not acceptable. “It evokes Mussolini’s speech after Matteotti’s assassination”. Faced with the news, published by Il Mattino, placed in front of the municipal councilors of Verdi and the Italian Left ready for the Resistance against Mussolini’s words (“I could have made this deaf and gray classroom into a bivouac of maniples…”), it is actually us to possibly feel deaf and gray in the face of so much creative generosity.

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