In Lombardy Conte opens to the Democratic Party. The League asks for election day for the regional ones

In Lombardy Conte opens to the Democratic Party.  The League asks for election day for the regional ones


Evidence of agreement, or at least dialogue, between the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party in Lombardy. At the press conference, the president of the pentastellati said that the party is ready to “confront other political and social forces”. And more clearly that “if the Democratic Party wants to demonstrate that it has treasured past mistakes, we are here, if you want to sit at the discussion table, we are available, here as elsewhere, but we must do it with criteria and method”.

Conte: nothing to say about Majorino

The premise, however, is that we start from the programs, not from the names. Even if Pierfrancesco Majorino, whom the center-left has already indicated as its candidate, is “a person who has a close sensitivity” to the issues dear to the 5 Stars and “when it comes later, Majorino could be a possible candidate”, but in this moment «we do not agree to discuss the subject of the candidacy. We are interested in the programs and in defining a project on the contents». The candidate question “is to be set aside for now”. “We have a strong candidate who doesn’t have an identity problem and who will do a good job on the program,” replied the Nazarene. Majorino spoke of a “good approach” by the 5 Stars, while the regional secretary Vinicio Peluffo said he was “available to talk about contents but immediately, because the electoral campaign has already begun” and “we will probably vote on the 12th and February 13”.

From the League pressing for election day

That is the date on which the League, which held the federal council today, would like election day to be held, merging the elections in Lombardy and Lazio. «I don’t think we will be talking about particularly long times – explained the Lombard coordinator of the 5 Stars Dario Violi -. If there is no peace agreement, we have always presented ourselves and we are not afraid of it». The hope is that it can close before December. On the other hand, the center-left has already scheduled an appointment in Milan on December 3 to present – announced Majorino – «the heart of our proposal for the future of Lombardy» .

Pd, Calenda: Conte perfect secretary

Certainly +Europe does not like the possibility of the arrival of the 5 Stars. And in fact from Milan, where he participates in the Linkiesta festival, the leader of Action Carlo Calenda addressed Emma Bonino’s party directly. “It would be important to have them inside. They are not only welcome, the doors are wide open to them », he said with a lot of dig at the situation in Lombardy. «I can’t believe – he added – that here in the Lombardy Region they support Majorino, Agnoletto and the M5S. I hope they come with us to do decent work. Not because he has anything against Majorino, but because he doesn’t represent their political side.” While instead for the Democratic Party the true ideal secretary would be «Giuseppe Conte: they should take Conte, who dresses in perfect communist style, and with that moral inflexibility, which however then leads to doing nothing» because «the Democratic Party today – concluded Calenda – does not he does politics, he does moralism”.


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