“If Meloni wants help from the EU on migrants, ratify the Mes”. MEP Nicola Danti speaks (Iv)

"If Meloni wants help from the EU on migrants, ratify the Mes".  MEP Nicola Danti speaks (Iv)


“Returning without results from an EU summit is always bad for Italy”, the vice president of Renew Europe tells us. But how can we help the majority internationally without renouncing our opposition role?

There is a risk of nine hundred thousand arrivals, Giorgia Meloni said in Brussels two days ago, after having promised firmness. However, yesterday the European Council postponed the crucial decisions on immigration to the June summit. And there are those from the opposition who underlined the fact, as if to say: a failure of the political opponent is somehow a success. On the eve of the EU Council, the leader of the M5s Giuseppe Conte, meanwhile, defined the prime minister’s “patriotism on the go”, inviting her to “go to Brussels to bang the table” and “impose a redistributive constraint on her sovereign friends and the relative sanctions”, and the secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein, who had criticized the premier’s action upstream (“asking the wrong questions in Europe”), commented after the summit: “Over migrants the government claims victory for three lines that say nothing”.

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