If Calenda wants to break with Renzi, he must now sign up for the Misto with Bonelli and Fratoianni

If Calenda wants to break with Renzi, he must now sign up for the Misto with Bonelli and Fratoianni


With Borghi’s passage from the Democratic Party, Italia Viva in the Senate has the numbers to keep the parliamentary group standing. If the leader of Action wanted to break, he would instead end up next to those for whom he broke the electoral agreement signed with Enrico Letta. The height of perfidy

It is the height of perfidy. Let’s say that really Charles Calenda tomorrow decide to break with Matthew Renzi and to denounce their dark maneuvers or treachery. Here you are. The affair would not end with an explosion of the parliamentary group which now sees them together. Nor with the triumph of Calenda. But it would end with Calenda signing up for the mixed group in the Senate, with the Greens and the Italian Left, while Renzi keeps the parliamentary group. In short, the great bludgeoner of Bonelli and Fratoianni, Calenda, would end up with the party of Bonelli and Fratoianni. He should sit next to those for whom he broke an excellent electoral agreement already signed with Enrico Letta’s Pd nine months ago. How to forget it? “I’m not with leftist offal”. The last famous words. The fact is that since yesterday afternoon, Renzi, with the passage of Enrico Borghi from the Pd to Italia viva, has six senators (“and more will come”, he swears). So you are. Currently. Sufficient to keep the parliamentary group standing. Calenda, on the other hand, only has four. And so we already imagine him, the leader of Azione, while he intervenes in the Chamber in dissent from his new “communist” group which in the meantime votes against sending arms to Ukraine.

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