“I will not be imposed on names that are not up to the task” – Corriere.it

"I will not be imposed on names that are not up to the task" - Corriere.it


“We need an authoritative government of competent people,” clarifies the premier in pectore. The government “will be political” but “no one thinks of solving the internal problems of their movement by proposing names for the executive”

“I put my face on this government,” says Giorgia Meloni in front of the executive of her party. And, the logical corollary, he has no intention of failing. For this reason, the leader of FdI speaks freely and allows the meaning of her speech to be disseminated in public, after days of imposed and self-imposed silence. On the other hand, the time has come to give a message to the Italians but above all to his party allies: “I am willing to listen to everyone and take their advice into account, but the principle must be clear. We need an authoritative government of competent people “, substantially unassailable, in what he calls” the most difficult phase in the history of politics “. So it is true, as he reiterates, that “there are no vetoes” on anyone, not even for Salvini at the Viminale, it seems the reference. But it is equally true that the premier in pectore is not willing to accept diktat: “I will not be imposed on names that are not up to the task.”

Here the clarification: the government will be “political”, because there is a very clear coalition that has won the elections and because to lead it there will be a party leader like her, but if technicians are needed in roles in which the coalition is “open”, it will resort to technical figures. One thing is certain: the government will not be the clearinghouse for internal party problems: “Nobody thinks of solving the internal problems of their movement by proposing names for the executive. We must give the nation a government of a high profile ». Between the pride in the road traveled so far, in 10 years FdI has gone from 1.98% to over 26%, and the awareness that there is still the most difficult piece of the path to be covered, however, Meloni calls into question even the Draghi government. Not only by saying that she is “non-Draghiana”, but only in dutiful and constant contact with her predecessor for “the good of Italy”, but also by pointing the finger: “We inherit a difficult situation: the delays of the PNRR are evident and difficult to recover and we are aware that it will be a lack that does not depend on us but which will also be attributed to us by those who determined it ». Words that do not seem to please the premier in office: “There are no delays in the implementation of the NRP,” he assures.

October 5, 2022 (change October 5, 2022 | 23:29)


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