I vote for Schlein because with her the Democratic Party can rediscover its lost ideals

I vote for Schlein because with her the Democratic Party can rediscover its lost ideals


From this deep crisis we must be able to seize the opportunity for change. And the former vice president of Emilia-Romagna is the change the Democratic Party needs. The speech of the deputy dem Michela De Biase

The choice that the people of the centre-left are called to make, through the participatory instrument of the primaries, after the defeat of the last national and regional elections, represents not only a decision concerning the internal structure of the Democratic Party, but an opportunity to build the pivot of the opposition action both within the institutional halls and in the country. From this deep crisis we must be able to seize the opportunity for change represented by the candidacy of Elly Schlein. You can’t want everything to change if we don’t also change the protagonists of the new path. A thirty-seven-year-old woman indisputably represents a paradigm shift both generationally and gender-wise. It is the first time that the word feminism has entered the Democratic Party without embarrassment through the front door (just think of the list in support of Schlein’s candidacy where 70 percent of the list leaders are women). The same goes for the involvement of young people who represent the future of our country. No party will have a long and healthy life without taking care of the new generations. Tackling precariousness in the world of work by limiting fixed-term contracts, abolishing free internships and working towards a minimum wage proposal. Taking care of environmental protection and sustainability, as required by the UN 2030 agenda. The squares and activism arrived before politics to see this theme as central. We will have the responsibility to decline it by proposing greater investments in renewables, building a more just and sustainable economy, reconciling growth and development with respect for the environment. On these and other topics, Schlein has clear-cut and radical positions that in the times we are living in, citizens are demanding from politics. With Schlein secretary of the Democratic Party, we will have a recognizable profile that will allow us to represent our ideals with credibility.


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