I praise Meloni. No former parliamentarians in the subsidiaries. Enel yellow

I praise Meloni.  No former parliamentarians in the subsidiaries.  Enel yellow


The premier does not want the former League members on the board of directors, but Salvini is blocking Terna’s CEO Donnarruma at Enel. There is an opinion against appointing him but no one knows who asked for it. For Eni, the surprise may be Sequi as president

An “award” and a “yellow”. There are two news. Giorgia Meloni does not want parliamentarians or former parliamentarians on the boards of large investee companies. The yellow instead concerns Enel and one of the candidates to lead it. This is Stefano Donnarumma, CEO of Terna, among the favorites for the succession of Francesco Starace. For weeks there has been discussion around an opinion drawn up by Sabino Cassese on the possible compatibility of Donnarumma. However, no one knows who asked Cassese for that opinion. Cassese is obliged to confidentiality. Enel and Terna exclude having asked for the opinion, just as the Mef excludes it. The League is irritated . She is irritated by the “Meloni award”, by the premier’s “obstinacy” on Donnarumma and by the few chances Paolo Scaroni will have of being, as Lega and FI ask, president of Enel (but who can say?).

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