How the Urso decree deals with the industrial-judicial crisis of Ilva

How the Urso decree deals with the industrial-judicial crisis of Ilva


The government has restored the penal shield. And with it, the legislative decree adds the possibility of continuing to produce even in the event of a seizure. And for the liquidity crisis it provides 680 million. The instrumental protest of the trade unions, and not only

The government has reinstated the penal shield for Ilva and all strategic companies of national interest. A courageous choice if Senator Mario Turco, Conte’s current deputy and his former undersecretary, immediately commented: “The government restores the right to kill”. It was precisely the M5s, by abolishing it, that led ArcelorMittal to deconsolidate the Italian subsidiary by canceling the 4 billion contractual investment, then replaced by Conte with state money. In fact the ad Lucia Morselli she was the only one to manage the factory for four years without a penal shield, but there are no public managers willing to do the same.

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