How much is Berlusconi’s legacy worth? From villas to boats, over 4 billion to be divided

How much is Berlusconi's legacy worth?  From villas to boats, over 4 billion to be divided


A heritage of over 4 billion

The inheritance that Silvio Berlusconi leaves to his children is worth about 4 billion, including 61% of Fininvest, to which are added villas, apartments, yachts, works of art and liquidity. The holographic will left by the former prime minister provides that the legitimate share of the Knight’s assets be divided into five equal parts and that the available share is divided equally between Marina and Pier Silvio. This means that the children of the first wife, in addition to controlling Fininvest with 53% of the shares, will have a majority share, which overall is close to 60%, also of the remaining assets, including villas, boats, apartments and works of art . While the minor children will have the remaining 40%.

Read also:
– Berlusconi’s will: how the balance changes in the family and in Fininvest. The bequests to Fascina and Dell’Utri


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