How heavy is the scenario of a sale of Banca Generali to Mediobanca

How heavy is the scenario of a sale of Banca Generali to Mediobanca


The options on the table would range from an acquisition tout court to a potential partnership, it would be a demanding operation from a financial point of view, with a view to expansion in the United States

The Generali Group could sell Banca Generali to Mediobanca to finance its expansion in the United States. This is the hypothesis that was circulating last night after a day of rumors on the stock exchange that caused the Banca Generali stock to fly by 20 percent and Mediobanca by 6 percent. In particular, according to reports from Bloomberg, the Lion would be considering an agreement with a large US investment company (Guggenheim Partners, 250 billion dollars in managed assets) to strengthen its wealth management business.

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