How Giorgia Meloni fights

How Giorgia Meloni fights


The opposition that builds caricatures. Enemies who hunt for butterflies. And one certainty: to face the premier you need to change everything, forget the old Giorgia and focus on the new Meloni. A wrong portrait of the premier, written by an opponent who knows her well

Let’s face it, as they say: those who thought they’d find the image of the “witch” screaming from the opposition benches, immortalized by numerous and inelegant memes circulating on the net, were disappointed. Those who expected an iron coherence with respect to the proclamations of an electoral campaign that saw it triumph in a very clear way had to think again. But then who is Giorgia Meloni and where would she like to go, first female prime minister and leader of a “right-wing” party never called to test the national government up to now? The director asks me because, knowing the friendship that binds us, she would like a portrait as close to reality as possible and out of a perhaps already hackneyed anecdote or the usual journalistic rumours. He would like predictions, which I’m not sure I can satisfy. I try to limit myself to an analysis that is clearly partial in the forms and ways in which it can fatally be so in the face of such a long-standing custom, but which perhaps enjoys the privilege of a certain adherence to the facts because it is free from constraints in criticism as well as in appreciation.

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