How difficult it is to make the old opposition to the new government

How difficult it is to make the old opposition to the new government


Put yourself in the shoes of the Democratic Party for a moment and try to oppose Giorgia Meloni. Try telling Meloni, after having said for many years that politics needs more women, that the first female prime minister does not offer enough space for women. Try telling Meloni, after having said for many years that politics needs more young people at the top of public affairs, provided that those young people do not have a name that begins with “Matte” and a surname that ends with “enzi ”, that the right in power, led by a policy that in addition to being the first female prime minister is also one of the youngest heads of government in Europedoes not deal with young people. Try it yourself, after having said for many months that the Democratic Party must go back to speaking to non-Ztl voters as well, to tell Meloni, who comes from Garbatella, in Rome, and whose family lives a stone’s throw from Casal Palocco, a suburb immortalized by Nanni Moretti with his Vespetta at the time of “Dear Diary”, that the right is in the pay of the rich, strong powers, ugly and bad finance.

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