Home bonus, the complete guide to the latest news: this is how the EU rewrites the concessions

Home bonus, the complete guide to the latest news: this is how the EU rewrites the concessions


How home bonuses change

In theory, the framework of tax benefits on energy requalification is defined: the Superbonus will continue in 2024 with the reduced rate at 70%, and in 2025 at 65%, rates which in practice mean that no one will request it, and the standard ecobonus will remain in its current form until 2024. But the new rules that the EU is defining could change the timing and nature of the concessions. A first relevant novelty concerns condensing boilers: their replacement has always been one of the reasons why the eco-bonus is used, and from 2020 also the superbonus, given that the installation can be considered, when the conditions are met, towed work and therefore enjoy 110% if carried out together with the thermal coat.


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