History of the Democratic Party, from a multicultural party to a radical mass party

History of the Democratic Party, from a multicultural party to a radical mass party


Nothing new on the outcome of the elections compared to forecasts. Waiting for the right-wing government to prove itself, the only reason for reflection is the size of the defeat of the Democratic Party. There is, therefore, to question the reasons for the crisis of the second Italian party, so serious as to question its very existence a few years after its birth. In recent comments there has been much emphasis on his lack of identity and on the unsolved option between reformism and maximalism. But the crisis of the Democratic Party is actually deeper, it is genetic, and to understand it we must go not to its birth in 2007 (defined as “cold fusion”), but much further back, to its long and troubled gestation that goes from the end of the so-called first Republic to the first decade of the so-called second.

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