Here is Lufthansa’s offer for Ita: immediately a minority stake, then the ascent in the capital

Here is Lufthansa's offer for Ita: immediately a minority stake, then the ascent in the capital


TURIN. Lufthansa presented an expression of interest to the Treasury Ministry to enter the capital of Ita. Initially, the purchase of a minority stake will be defined and options for the subsequent purchase of the remaining shares will be agreed. In a note, the German company explains that “should both parties decide to sign the memorandum of understanding, further negotiations and discussions will be conducted on anexclusive”.

According to rumors, there are two elements in the proposal: the economic element which values ​​the company at around 500 million euros and on the basis of which the Germans are willing to invest immediately – through a reserved capital increase – around 200 million euros 40% of the capital; and the industrial one which envisages a commercial partnership with Ferrovie dello Stato for the issue of a single ticket, which combines train and plane. The relaunch of the former Alitalia, according to the Germans, also passes through the development of an intermodal transport network.

For the Lufthansa group, the Germans specify, «Italy represents the most important market outside the domestic markets and the United States. The desire to integrate Ita Airways within the companies of the Group lies in the strong interchange of the country on a global level, through business and private travel, in its strong export-oriented economy and in its being one of the most attractive tourist places in Europe”. —


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