Hello, old friends. Here is the pro-European running board that Meloni now needs

Hello, old friends.  Here is the pro-European running board that Meloni now needs


Less Orbán, more Macron. Less Le Pen, more Scholz. Less Trump, more Ppe. The prime minister has understood that the credibility of her right is linked to the removal of her toxic friendships. The steps taken and the possible turning point in Europe (without Salvini)

Minus Giorgia plus Silvio equals Meloni. There disappearance of Silvio Berlusconi before and the new geometries of European friendships then they forced Giorgia Meloni’s party to think urgently about an important issue that does not only concern the past, or rather the generic legacy of the Cav., but which concerns the future, and in particular a decisive point in the political agenda of the president of the Advice, which we could summarize with a refined, erudite and sophisticated expression, made up of two words: “And mo?”. The attempt to project the trajectory of Meloni’s party into the future must be placed within a political context characterized by a new awareness perfectly summarized a few days ago in our newspaper by Marcello Pera: Meloni’s duty to respond to the vacuum generated by Berlusconi’s disappearance with a modernization of his party. But what does it mean to modernize? The Prime Minister will not agree with us, but so far her trajectory has clearly shown a direction that her followers may not like but which deserves to be framed for what it is: a constant, slow, progressive emancipation from own past.

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