Half of the Third Pole voters betrayed Moratti in Lombardy

Half of the Third Pole voters betrayed Moratti in Lombardy


According to the flows of Opinio Rai, almost one in two voters of Action-Italia viva alle politica did not support the candidacy of the former vice president of the Region. And in Lazio, 30 percent of Grillini voters have turned their backs on Bianchi

43.6 percent of voters who voted for Third Pole in the last general elections did not support Letizia Moratti, the official candidate of Azione-Italia viva in the regional elections in Lombardy. The electoral flows managed by the Opinio Rai consortium and which the Foglio was able to view say so. A figure that helps to read the result below the expectations of the former vice president of the Lombardy Region, who ran as a third wheel against the outgoing governor Attilio Fontana and the center-left candidate Pierfrancensco Majorino. And that has garnered less than 10 percent of the vote.

According to the analysis of Opinio pollsters, 23.4 percent of those who voted for the third pole preferred to fall back on Majorino. While 16.8 percent opted for Fontana. A haemorrhage of consensus which led, for example, to the non-election of the regional secretary of Action Niccolò Carretta, who chose, after the result announced on Monday, to resign from his office. The reverse effect was scarce, i.e. those of the other parties who preferred to vote for Moratti: only 4.6 per cent of Pd voters did so and 8.5 percent of Forza Italia. The other regional figure is that Majorino gets practically mirror support from the Pd and M5s. 87.8 percent of Democratic Party voters and 82.9 percent of Grillini voted for him.

Turning to Lazio, however, it can be seen that about three out of ten voters who had pocketed the ballot by voting for M5s in the last general elections did not do the same in the regional ones, preferring to distance themselves from Giuseppe Conte’s candidate, Donatella Bianchi. 11.5 percent of them voted for the new president Francesco Rocca13.7 the candidate of the Democratic Party and the third pole Alessio D’Amato. The voting indications of Azione and Italia viva were much more respected in Rome than in Milan, but in any case 15.3 percent of Renzi’s and Calenda’s voters chose to contravene the official investiture of the two and voted on centre-right candidate. A sign that the convergence on D’Amato has alienated a slice of centrist voters.


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