Guardia di Finanza, Giorgetti-Mantua clash. Meloni gives in to the postponement in order to collect Rai

Guardia di Finanza, Giorgetti-Mantua clash.  Meloni gives in to the postponement in order to collect Rai


Stalemate Mexican style in the prime minister’s room, names float in the air like collaborators in the corridors waiting for a white smoke. In the end comes only the appointment of Nicola Dell’Acqua as commissioner of the water emergency

The rule on lyrical symphonic foundations passes (Fuortes unlocks it at Rai), but in the government they are played on appointments. Two and a half hours of restricted meeting in Giorgia Meloni’s room are not enough to reach an agreement. Mexican stall. The League does not want Andrea De Gennaro at the head of the Guardia di Finanza, the Brothers of Italy holds back on the choice of Vittorio Pisani as head of the Police. And so the prefect of Rome also jumps, who has been waiting to be designated for two months and more. The only appointment concerns Nicola Dell’Acqua commissioner for the water emergency. So there are two pieces of news: the government is starting to change the governance of Rai, but at the same time it is tightening its grip on the yellow flames and the police. Then there are the protagonists of the day.

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