Gualtieri rejoices at Rocca Cencia: “No more waste here now”

Gualtieri rejoices at Rocca Cencia: "No more waste here now"


At Rocca Cenciaa frayed village on the Prenestina beyond the Gra, just breathe to understand the importance of the announcement made two days ago by the mayor Robert Gualtieri. “After 17 years we are closing the Tmb forever of Ama in Rocca Cencia”. There is an unbearable stench. And the representatives of the committees assure: “And this is nothing, come the summer!”. Leone, 50, a winery on the hill overlooking the plant, right on the border between the municipality of Rome and that of the castles of Montecopatri, confirms: “In the summer the smell reaches up, kilometers away, something intolerable, the closure is really great news.” The first effect of Gualtieri’s choice to build a new waste-to-energy plant for the capital.

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