Graduates, it’s easier to find work but the salary does not exceed 1,400 euros –

Graduates, it's easier to find work but the salary does not exceed 1,400 euros -


Graduated and employed but paid too little. This is the snapshot taken by the 25th AlmaLaurea Report on the profile and employment condition of graduates in our country. If on the one hand there is a greater ease of finding work, the survey reveals a drop in the real value of the salaries of Italian graduates (also because of inflation).

Improve your ability to find employment

The good news first. In 2022, the absorption capacity of the labor market improved. The employment rate one year after graduation is 75.4% among first-level graduates and 77.1% among second-level graduates (+0.9% and +2.5% on 2021). In five years, the employment rate will rise to 92.1% for first-level graduates and 88.7% for second-level graduates (+2.5% and +0.2% over 2021). The experiences gained during studies also weigh on the chances of finding a job, such as study stays abroad and internships, which respectively raise the possibility of having a job in one year by 12.3% and 4.3% from graduation.

More difficult for women

However, gender differences weigh negatively. All other things being equal, one year after the title, graduates are 11.7% more likely to be employed than female graduates and receive an average of 70 euros more net per month. But in which sectors do Italian graduates enter? 37.9% work in the private sector, while 58.3% in the public sector while only 3.9% work in the non-profit sector. The field of services absorbs 93.2%, while industry welcomes 5.8% of the employed. The share of those working in the agricultural sector stops at 1%.

Graduates but poorly paid

The sore points concern the salaries that are still too low in Italy. In 2022, one year after the title, the net monthly salary, on average, equal to 1,332 euros for first-level graduates and 1,366 euros for second-level graduates. In real terms we are talking about values ​​that decreased by 4.1% for first-level graduates and 5.1% for second-level graduates in the last year. Five years after graduation, on the other hand, the net monthly salary is equal to 1,635 euros for first-level graduates and 1,697 euros for second-level graduates. In this case the reduction in real wages compared to 2021 by 2.4% and 3.3%. Figures to keep in mind when asking yourself: why are young people looking abroad?


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