Government, Meloni today at Mattarella for consultations: the news of 21 October

Government, Meloni today at Mattarella for consultations: the news of 21 October


It is Giorgia Meloni’s day. Starting this morning on the second day of consultations. This morning the center-right will present himself at Colle by Sergio Mattarella. During the meeting, only the leader of the Brothers of Italy should speak. The coalition will appear united: with Meloni, there will also be Matteo Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi. It is unlikely that, at the end of the consultations, there will be an intervention in front of the journalists. The list of ministers is ready: the Justice node still remains, but the names are now defined. Including that of Antonio Tajani who will take the Foreign Affairs and who, yesterday, flew to Brussels to reassure European leaders after the audio of Silvio Berlusconi and broadcast by La Presse. In the afternoon, at this point, a flash assignment from the Head of State could already arrive. Meanwhile, yesterday, in the study of the Quirinale window, the opposition paraded. Divided like never before. The dem ask for a convergence against the government, the others hold back.
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Upgrading hour by hour

9.25 – Sisto, Tajani guarantor for Italy in the world
Foreign Minister Tajani? I hope so. He can be Italy’s true guarantor for the world. Facts count more than any stolen word. ”This was stated by Francesco Paolo Sisto of Forza Italia

9.21- Lollobrigida, ready for an important historical moment
We have always been ready with the responsibility of those who know that the weight in this moment of choices is even more burdensome ». Thus Francesco Lollobrigida, group leader of the Brothers of Italy in the Chamber, on the new government at the exit of Montecitorio.

9.16 – Donzelli (Fi) “Law 194 is not under discussion”
“We have made it clear that 194 is not in question. At most there is a desire to apply it in its entirety and to give support, even unrelated to the issue of abortion, regardless, to women who are facing a pregnancy and are in difficulty ». These are the words of Giovanni Donzelli, parliamentarian of the Brothers of Italy, at Agorà Rai Tre, on law 194. And to the next question whether the Gasparri bill will see light he replies: «I do not think it will be approved with a majority in this Parliament. But I respect Gasparri’s right to present it. Honestly, there is no need for a law of this kind in Italy at this moment ”.

8.21 – Wolves, Berlusconi will be able to step back
«Fibrillations, before a government is born, are physiological – declares Maurizio Lupi -. And this time they have a greater impact due to the change in leadership. But frankly, I don’t see any dangers. The leader of Forza Italia is a generous man – says Lupi after Silvio Berlusconi’s off-air controversy -. He is the first to know that to take two steps forward as a coalition sometimes one needs to step back on a personal or party level “. In reference to” stolen audio “, he advises caution.” You need to be more careful about the words you use – he says – . While kamikaze drones are sowing death in Ukraine, there is no question of vodka and gifts. ”There is no doubt about the leadership of the center-right.
«The leader of the coalition is Giorgia Meloni. We will go to the Quirinale as a united coalition and it will be you who will represent us ».

8.13 – Franco on succession to the Ministry of Economy: “Giorgetti would be very suitable”
Among the names that are made for the succession to Daniele Franco at the Ministry of Economy, there is that of the Northern League player Giancarlo Giorgetti. “I have known him for several years and I think he would be perfectly suited,” the minister said in an interview with Corriere. “We have in common the idea that Italian economic development depends on what happens in the production system”. “It will certainly do well,” he adds.


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