Government, Mattarella wants guarantees on the international positioning –

Government, Mattarella wants guarantees on the international positioning -


from Marzio Breda

The President of the Republic must assess the coherence of the program with the accession treaties to the European Union and NATO

Will they all talk? And will they all say the same things, without distinction or cunning nuances? Or, as Maurizio Lupi (of Noi Moderati) has anticipated, will they only rely on Giorgia Meloni in the role of spokesperson for the coalition, to convey an image of unity? Really some leading figures like Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini will give up some theatrical sortie, once in front of cameras and reporters or even indoors in Sergio Mattarella’s studio?

Here are the questions that bounced yesterday between Montecitorio and the Quirinale, waiting for the head of state to close this morning, with the large delegation of the center-right, the consultation to give birth to a new government. Foregone questions, after the high internal tension of recent days, in a climate that risked poisoning the wells in the march – very little triumphant so far – towards the power of the coalition that won at the polls. Many hope that the decanting of the last few hours will result in a definitive proof of responsibility. Including the President of the Republic, who wants to collect clear signals before entrusting the office of premier. Starting from the numbers, of course. And from the urgency to give the country a cohesive executive as soon as possible.

But, considering the controversy that has arisen over Silvio Berlusconi’s stolen utterances about the war on Ukraine, this time his benchmark also focuses a lot on foreign policy and Italy’s fidelity to the signed Treaties. Which are those with the European Union and NATO.

There are those who argue that the president shouldn’t have to worry too much about such pacts. Now, that someone does not know article 117 (paragraph 1) of our Magna Carta, where it says that the legislative power exercised by the State and by the Regions in compliance with the Constitution as well as the constraints deriving from the community order and international obligations .. .. Translating: it means that Mattarella, as guarantor of the Charter, has the duty to assess the overall consistency of a government program with our EU and NATO membership. And an example of how severely he interprets vigilance was given when he rejected Paolo Savona’s candidacy as minister, for his explicit and strong Euroscepticism. That this concern also involves him today, after all, the representatives of the Mixed Group explained. Who, after leaving the Quirinale, said that the president cleared their worries about the international dossier by saying precisely: Don’t worry, Italy will remain where, in Europe and in the West.

a detail that seems to dissolve some inferences about Antonio Tajani. He headed the Strasbourg parliament and was vice-president of the EPP, which protects him from quirinalitic contraindications for a foreign office. For the rest of the team, we’ll see. The situation is complicated, but not irreparable. And it doesn’t take much for the turning point. Not surprisingly, everything is ready on the Colle to allow the government to be sworn in on Sunday.

October 20, 2022 (change October 20, 2022 | 21:00)


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