Good turnaround for the pension funds

Good turnaround for the pension funds


For years, there has been a difference in treatment between the savings collected by the funds and that collected by the pension funds for employees. Now, as Deputy Minister Leo has guaranteed, the tax delegation could be used to fix this injustice

Private pension funds are strictly supervised and required to respect almost dirigiste investment rules, except that they are often called to help (voluntarily, yes, but sometimes requested in unkind tones) by governments or by parliamentary initiatives to intervene to stop this or that flaw, often bailouts of decommissioned public companies or, ultimately, an attempt to give them Superbonus credits. The level of supervision and the obligations on investments and funding, the authorization regime, in addition to the direct emanation from professional categories, they make the coffers the terrain for continuous political incursions and for a certain tendency towards harshness by the fiscal legislator.

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