Gogol in Lombardy. Cottarelli towards the no (without Calenda) Moratti resists (with Calenda). The Democratic Party: primary

Gogol in Lombardy.  Cottarelli towards the no (without Calenda) Moratti resists (with Calenda).  The Democratic Party: primary


Winning scares them, losing comforts them. Do it. Call a militant of the Lombard Democratic Party and ask him what he thinks of Letizia Moratti’s candidacy with the Third Pole, of the almost certain step backwards of Carlo Cottarelli, of the primary hypothesis of the Democratic Party (open to the M5s). Answer: “Moratti comes from the right. Cottarelli is not a candidate without Calenda. Giuliano Pisapia would be magnificent but he doesn’t want to. Beppe Sala pushes for Emilio Del Bono, mayor of Brescia, since he, Sala, will never accept. Our natural home is the asylum ”. On Saturday, the center left had five possible outsiders: Cottarelli, Moratti, Ferruccio Resta, Del Bono, Pisapia. Sunday evening only Moratti was left, who the Democratic Party does not want. Napalm kills less.

Calenda briskly: “Let’s nominate Moratti and Cottarelli together”. The Democratic Party: “It is not Calenda who can choose. And then Moratti is unpleasant ”. The latter, called by the Democratic Party, a well-known party of sympathy, is amazing. While writing, Enrico Letta is allegedly “working” on Cottarelli who, in turn, prefers not to issue “interviews on Lombardy”, it being understood that he “has two other requests to fulfill”. Summary: the Democratic Party (said Peppe Provenzano: “Never!”) Closes at Moratti, no left-wing champion wants to put his face on it. Losing it now is the least worst.

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