Giorgia Meloni’s mother against Rula Jebreal: “You are ashamed to attack my daughter using her father’s story”

Giorgia Meloni's mother against Rula Jebreal: "You are ashamed to attack my daughter using her father's story"


Rula Jebreal attacks Giorgia Meloni on the sentence of the father e Anna Paratore, mother of the premier in pectore, blurts out. She is not there and intervenes defending her daughters, Giorgia and Arianna, against criticism for a story linked to the father of the FdI leader arrested in the past for drug trafficking according to the Spanish press. “After years of enduring the worst insults against Giorgia, lies and mystifications of all kinds, shameful slanders that, incidentally, if you are right-wing in Italy you can’t even get convicted in a courtroom, I’m really fed up, “she writes Anna Paratore in a letter posted on social media by various Brothers of Italy parliamentarians, including deputy Elisabetta Gardini.

The words of the Italian-Israeli journalist of Palestinian origin sparked controversy and reactions. Among these now there is also that of Giorgia Meloni’s mother. “My story with my daughters’ father is not public matter, just as I don’t think the life of a man who has been missing for several years is,” explains Anna Paratore. Which tells some episodes of the private life of the leader of FdI and the next first Italian woman premier. “The last time my girls and I met him was in a distant afternoon around 1988, in Villa Borghese, a Roman public garden, where Francesco Meloni she had asked to see her daughters again after they hadn’t heard from her for about 5 years. It was a useless and superficial meeting, with two little girls who barely remembered him, and him who called himself Franco because he claimed that ‘dad’ aged him – continues Paratore – After then, absolute emptiness. For all we knew, he might have been dead, or happily alive somewhere in the world. He was not looking for his daughters, his daughters never looked for him. “Then, when Giorgia Meloni was appointed to the vice-presidency of the Chamber – much more than twenty years later -” there was a call from a mutual friend. ‘Franco’ would have liked to see the girls again: Giorgia said no. As she always does, she argued her denial of her: ‘Why should I see myself with a person who if I meet on the street I don’t even recognize? I have nothing to say to him ‘”.

And here’s the attack on Rula Jebreal. “A real stroke of luck to deny herself, given what is happening in these hours, when a pseudo journalist – Rula Jebreal, in fact – allows herself to chat about my daughter using a father who cost Giorgia only tears, and from whom has ever had the relief of a caress or a kiss, not to say a plate of soup – continues Paratore in the letter – Shame on this lady who attributes to Giorgia words never spoken, violent and stupid concepts never given birth especially because, unlike so many beautiful faces that make a career by elbowing or thanks to important friendships, my daughter is not stupid and when she speaks she knows what she says. “


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