Giorgia Meloni’s delays: from the flood to the Pnrr, up to the Mes, Pos and bathing establishments

Giorgia Meloni's delays: from the flood to the Pnrr, up to the Mes, Pos and bathing establishments


Sorry for the delay. From the commissioner for reconstruction in Emilia-Romagna to the Pnrr, passing through the Mes, the Pos and the INPS and Inail appointments Giorgia Meloni takes time. Or she wastes time. She doesn’t trust. You want to centralize everything on yourself and not give the impression to the outside that the allies, especially Matteo Salvini’s League, command too much. And therefore she quicksand at Palazzo Chigi. The most striking case concerns the flood of 20 May in Romagna: 15 dead and 15,000 people evacuated. The reconstruction commissioner is still a funny mystery. Meloni would also be available to appoint the governor Stefano Bonaccini, as per institutional practice. But Salvini, who under the Two Towers scored his first real electoral setback in 2020, is not willing to give the green light. In addition, the dem mayors close to Elly Schlein, led by that of Bologna Matteo Lepore, continue to attack the government on the funds that do not return. Daily controversies. For Fratelli d’Italia it is an internal showdown in the Democratic Party to prevent Bonaccini from becoming commissioner and therefore changing the statute to re-apply for the third time (a case that would also be exploited by De Luca in Campania and Emiliano in Puglia). The fact is that Meloni does not decide. He wants to “decant” the story. And that’s not the only case.

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