Giorgetti yields to the Guardia di Finanza. But now it’s a break with Meloni

Giorgetti yields to the Guardia di Finanza.  But now it's a break with Meloni


Yellow flames, green ashes. The Northern League minister, after having tried to impose himself, suffers from the choice of Palazzo Chigi. The mutual accusations, the broken agreements for the succession to Zafarana. Carroccio’s suspicions about Mantovano. The axis between the premier and Via XX Settembre wobbles

He attempted the last resistance on Wednesday, before leaving. But even those already weak, like those who know that everything will be in vain. And in short, in the end Giancarlo Giorgetti gave in. Comme d’habitude, it will be said, for one who is used to sticking his head until the moment before really fighting. But this time, in saying “do as you like, if there’s something to sign, I’ll sign” before embarking for Japan, in short, in this brazen sovereign brawl over the Guardia di Finanza, this time it seems that something really has broken. in the relationship between the Minister of Economy and Giorgia Meloni. “Because if you want to make someone like Giancarlo hostile, you have to make him look bad,” said those who spoke to him. And the fool, in ratifying an appointment that he does not approve, Giorgetti is convinced that he has already made it.

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