Giorgetti ready to ratify the Mes. Meloni and Tremonti recover the Draghi-Macron plan

Giorgetti ready to ratify the Mes.  Meloni and Tremonti recover the Draghi-Macron plan


One might say that with the sovereignty of Fdi it always ends like this: over time, in order to survive, it can only refute itself. Only that so much time is lost, and a lot

Now that the farce is ending, one might say that tout est pardonné. That “we have no other choice”, Giancarlo Giorgetti reiterated this to his government colleagues after the conversation with the president of the Eurogroup Paschal Donohoe. So the ratification of the Mes is something to be done: and the Northern League minister will bring it to the CDM, if not before the next summit with EU Finance colleagues on January 16, immediately after. And already today, in the conference of group leaders in the Chamber, the scheduling of the debate in the Chamber will be discussed: certainly in the next quarter, perhaps as early as mid-February. So one could consider that of Giulio Tremonti as an abjuration by now taken for granted. If it weren’t, however, so significant to understand what vacuities the sovereign propaganda on the Mes has fed on.

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