Gianmarco Mazzi, the undersecretary to “his business”

Gianmarco Mazzi, the undersecretary to "his business"


He has the delegation to music, he is about to write the new law on live entertainment and he still acts as if he were an agent. Hands on the Arena di Verona, the rise thanks to La Russa. A portrait

Since when is this “normal”? He is Undersecretary for Culture, but acts as an agent of Massimo Giletti. He deals with live entertainment and is about to write the new law on live entertainment. He treats the Arena di Verona as if it were his own country villa, sits (still) on the board of directors of the Fondazione Casa dei cantautori and wanders around the Sanremo Festival as if he were (still) artistic director. Is he normal? When the name of Gianmarco Mazzi is mentioned, the immediate answer is: Mazzi, who?

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