Giambruno, Meloni’s companion, no longer hosts Mediaset news: “Shared choice”

Giambruno, Meloni's companion, no longer hosts Mediaset news: "Shared choice"


Since she won the elections, he has lost leadership: he no longer appears on video. He now does editorial cooking work in the Rome office waiting for it to be diverted to an in-depth program as an author. Things that happen if your name is Andrea Giambruno, you are the companion of the premier in pectore Giorgia Meloni and you work at Mediaset. “It was a choice made together with the company as a matter of mutual opportunity. No imposition or punishment ”, tells Il Foglio who in these hours has spoken with the journalist, who has been the face of Tgcom24 and Studio Aperto on Italia1 for a number of years on the rise.

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