“From the markets there is a credit line for Meloni, no blank checks”. Speak D. Serra

"From the markets there is a credit line for Meloni, no blank checks".  Speak D. Serra


“Investors expect us to continue on the Draghi line. Meloni’s international positioning is appreciated, but if he puts Tremonti on the Mef, it’s game over. Review RdC and Spuerbonus and avoid Truss’s follies: if you have a high debt, you have to convince those of you finance that you know algebra, ”says the founder of Algebris

“There was a credit opening, but no blank check. Now it’s about seeing the numbers ”. Davide Serrafounder and CEO of Algebris Investments, represents the attitude of international investors on Italy after the victory of Giorgia Meloni. The reassurances of the last few weeks from the leader of the Brothers of Italy have worked, but now the markets are looking at the window to see if the shares are consequent. Starting with the names of the government team, even before setting up the budget law. “As Minister of the Economy, the names of Fabio Panetta of the ECB, of Domenico Siniscalco or the minister Daniele Franco. Beyond the names, maybe it won’t be none of the three, the markets appreciated the profile which is that of a credible person “. If instead Giulio Tremonti, elected to Parliament with FdI, were to return? “Game over. Italy needs a serious person who is on the numbers, not a showman. The markets will not finance Italy an extra second. If Meloni wants to shorten the life of his government, put Tremonti on the MEF ”.

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