From the European Court of Justice a brake on the pro-taxi laws

From the European Court of Justice a brake on the pro-taxi laws


The EU judicial body, called to express itself on a rule introduced by the metropolitan city of Barcelona, ​​states that limiting licenses cannot be arbitrary

Protecting the income of taxi drivers in the market is not a good reason to restrict the access of potential competitors. This was established by the European Court of Justice in response to a question from a Spanish judge, relating to one of the many pending cases on the regulation of non-scheduled public transport. It all stems from a lawsuit brought by Prestige & Limousine, a rental company with driver, against the regulations in force in the metropolitan city of Barcelona. In addition to the national license – without which it is impossible to practice the profession throughout the country – only holders of a second local license can work in the capital of Catalonia, the total number of which is equal to one thirtieth of the taxi licenses in the same territory .

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