From the Court of Auditors lessons for Meloni on tax evasion

From the Court of Auditors lessons for Meloni on tax evasion


Disassemble the bales on the state lace. It is not at all true that in Italy the taxman persecutes “the small trader” and leaves “the banks and big company”: the exact opposite happens, many checks on big fish, few on small ones.

Exactly one month ago, Giorgia Meloni closed the administrative electoral campaign in Catania, illustrating the government’s strategy on tax evasion with a speech: “The fight against tax evasion takes place where tax evasion really lies: the big company, the banks, VAT fraud, not the small trader you go to ask for the state protection money”, said the premier. Those words, we underlined in the Foglio, were not only unworthy of the expression that associates the state that you represent with Cosa Nostra, but they gave a false image of the problem of tax evasion, which is a mass phenomenon. For example it is not at all true that in Italy the taxman persecutes “the small trader” and leaves “the banks and big company”: the exact opposite happens.

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