From Sanremo to Nazareno, the left «à la Schlein»

From Sanremo to Nazareno, the left «à la Schlein»


NoonMarch 5, 2023 – 08:07

the demonstration of how much the Democratic Party wants to learn to swim in the cultural current of the moment

Of Anthony Polito

Elly Schlein inaugurated her secretariat on two very delicate and serious topics. By going to Cutro and asking for the resignation of Minister Piantedosi, he attempted to take the lead of the line that accuses the right-wing government of being responsible for the shipwreck. Going to Florence yesterday he attempted the same operation on the subject of anti-fascism, attributing responsibility for the violence in front of schools to the right. We will see over time if this line of opposition without ifs and buts will give results in revitalizing the Democratic Party. I think so: at least between now and the European Union in 2024 there are no major programmatic choices or alliances to be made for the Democratic Party, because it will not be required in this political phase to demonstrate its credentials as a credible government force.

So this is the time of the primum vivere. Then the moment will come, close to the next political elections, in which it will be necessary to verify whether such a line is able to overturn the electoral balance today so clearly to the advantage of the centre-right. But despite the current situation, which immediately put Schlein to the test on such dramatic issues, it does not seem irreverent to analyze another aspect today, more cultural but in reality profound, of the left that she wants to interpret. Because, even if it remains to be decided whether the chicken or the egg came first, there is little doubt that there is an almost perfect correspondence between the Sanremo ideology and the political agenda of the new secretary of the Democratic Party. Starting from the now famous autobiographical presentation with which she begins, imitating Giorgia Meloni: I am a woman, I love another woman, I am not a mother, but I am no less a woman for this.

in fact it is easy to see that point 1) was eviscerated on the Ariston stage in Chiara Ferragni’s monologue: Being a woman is not a limit, shout it out to everyone. And it must be said that Elly Schlein really shouted it, becoming the first female secretary of the Democratic Party and founding a possible female bipolarity with Prime Minister Meloni. Point 2) found space in the performance of Rosa Chemical, champion of gender fluidity and capable of clearing a homosexual kiss among the general public. Point 3) was instead the subject of a specific monologue entrusted to the actress Chiara Francini, intended to reject that subtle commonplace against non-mothers, because women – as Schlein said – are not living wombs.

In addition, the Sanremo philosophy also contained other points of the ideal-cultural program that was affirmed in the Pd primaries. For example: attention to the least, the marginalized, the excluded, which over time, with the shift to the right of the workers, has replaced the old class struggle to the left. The monologue by Francesca Fagnani was emblematic, dedicated to the voices of the young prisoners of the Nisida juvenile prison, after all already at the peak of television redemption thanks to the TV series Mare fuori.

Finally, one cannot fail to notice an analogy between the shrewd way in which solidarity with Zelensky was dosed in Sanremo, support yes, but at two in the morning, and not on video, so as not to irritate the pacifists (they say that Rai really feared the one, that a singer during the competition argued live with the Ukrainian leader); and the somewhat ambiguous prudence with which the new Democratic Party confirms its support for Ukraine but also says it would prefer a diplomatic initiative from the European Union (one of two things: either Europe continues to give Ukraine arms and Moscow does not accept him as an impartial mediator, or wins Moscow’s trust by ceasing to arm the Ukrainians and forcing them to surrender).

There is no blasphemous intention in this juxtaposition between Ariston and Nazareno. On the contrary. the demonstration of how much the Democratic Party wants to learn to swim in the cultural current of the moment which, as often happens, showbiz was the first to grasp and interpret. On the other hand we read in her biographies that Elly Schlein is passionate about cinema, to the point of having collaborated on a documentary that won a David di Donatello, guitar player and even cultivator of the Sanremo festival. He is therefore not ignorant of popular culture, and also American enough to know that the Ariston philosophy is not very different from that of the Grammy Awards or the Oscar ceremony, where there is no star who does not do his thing when it comes to receiving an award. speech in favor of transgenders, or ethnic minorities, or Greta Thunberg (the only difference is that the woke culture does not seem to have taken root in the new Italian left for the moment, but never say never).

This posture Schlein can also give the Democratic Party a small but not inconsiderable competitive advantage in its race with the Cinquestelle. The discourse of rights, of which the new secretary is the teacher, does not succeed equally well at the M5S, decidedly more traditionalist on the subject and more grimly interested in public spending opportunities. Although the part does not suit him at all, Conte therefore looks like a Melenchon, and Schlein more like an Ocasio-Cortez. The first one on the Ariston stage would look really bad. The second perfectly at ease .

March 5, 2023 | 08:07



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