From Roccella to the Roman salute: without a leader, the Democratic Party leads the first one to pass

From Roccella to the Roman salute: without a leader, the Democratic Party leads the first one to pass


While the secretary does not even decide on issues such as weapons in Ukraine and the waste-to-energy plant in Rome, writers, journalists, groups of protesters and even area entrepreneurs à la Carlo De Benedetti occupy the space left empty. But in their own way

First was the big campaign in favor of the kids who sleep in tents at university. It lasted twelve hours. Then there was the fight against the authoritarian Roccella who didn’t let herself be silenced at the Turin Book Fair (and even played the victim). This civil battle lasted more or less twenty-four hours. Finally, on Saturday it was the turn of the “Roman greeting” during the parade on June 2, a moment of anti-fascist denunciation. Great topics indeed. Signs of widespread liveliness and reasoning. Very serious questions, posed by the centre-left, which recall in thickness those of the centre-right, when he was in opposition, and he got face to face with Peppa Pig because he was too gay. Here you are. Everything, it seems to us, in the end, can roughly be traced back to the unconscious prejudice according to which politics, or political controversy, would be a fairly simple matter. So, to do it, just express the first thing that comes to mind, like: on 2 June at the Imperial Forums a soldier gave the Roman salute under the eyes of Mattarella while Russia applauded happily. Having overcome the first impression that some dangerous psychotropic substance has been dissolved in the air or in the water, perhaps a serious reflection is needed on what is happening on the left where a parliamentary opposition without too many ideas is increasingly sticking to the last shot of the first pass.

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