From machete to scalpel. The fight over the Treasury between Lega and FdI becomes half a farce, and Giorgetti relies on Rivera

From machete to scalpel.  The fight over the Treasury between Lega and FdI becomes half a farce, and Giorgetti relies on Rivera


Crosetti portrayed on the spoils system. Salvini opposes the Melon raids. The Economy Minister still wants to defend the director general of the Treasury, but in the meantime he is studying a solution in continuity: Stefano Scalera. Tensions in the majority over the appointments: Fazzolari and Foti anger the MEF

More than the machete, the scalpel. It was supposed to be the revolution, but it seems instead that it will end with a waltz. The usual. Giancarlo Giorgetti, moreover, to the fits of fury of his FdI government colleagues against the deep state he never gave too much credit. Because the MEF, she says, is not the place where you can make ventures or experiments. So perhaps there will be a changing of the guard at the Treasury, if Giorgia Meloni really deems it essential. But the transition would still be sweet, painless: perhaps with a longer period of coaching. And it is no coincidence that among the main suspects for the replacement of Alessandro Rivera is Stefano Scalera who is a friend and esteemed colleague of the current general manager. “We need competence and reliability”, repeats Giorgetti. And if it were up to him, he would really spare himself the unknown factor of the changeover. Because Rivera’s contacts in Brussels, his familiarity with the technical offices and European chancelleries are a guarantee.

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