From inflation to growth. The Davos Economic Forum teaches owls a great lesson

From inflation to growth.  The Davos Economic Forum teaches owls a great lesson


There are antidotes to the recession, the world economy is more solid than expected and there is some good news for Italy too: it can still benefit from the drag on the exceptional growth of 2022. The unknowns remain China and the war in Ukraine

In Davos they are optimistic, says the Financial Times and we can only please. We are not alone, no more doomsayers under the enchanted mountain. “There is still life in capitalism”, jokes Martin Wolf, an unrepentant globalist who analyzes the new way in which the world market is being reorganized, including the risks of a division into closed and competing economic areas, giving in to the temptation of “zero sum”, a curse according to the Economist who dedicated the cover story to it.

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