From “I’m beyond Hitler” to the balaclava, Grillo’s shootings in the squares M5S-

From "I'm beyond Hitler" to the balaclava, Grillo's shootings in the squares M5S-


Of Political editorial staff

The interventions of the guarantor over the years have aroused various political controversies, also involving animal rights activists and the LGBT world

Not new: the presence of Beppe Grillo like a cyclone for the squares of the Movement, a cyclone that overwhelms for better or for worse. The controversy over the invitation to use the balaclava launched by the demonstration against all precariousness is certainly not the first case of “shooting” from the stage that has inflamed M5S militants but also the political debate.

Beyond Hitler

The year was 2014. The campaign for the European elections was raging, polarized by the clash between Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party (which triumphed with 40%) and the Movement, which had “We win” as its slogan. Grillo from the stage in Turin harred the crowd dedicating vaffa to Martin Schulz, president of the EU Parliament, who had dared to compare him to Stalin. “Without the Stalin who defeated the Nazis he would now be in Parliament with a swastika drawn on his forehead,” Grillo said. Who then thundered with irony: “I am beyond Hitler”, only to then immediately call himself “crazy”.


Same electoral campaign, new controversy. This time Grillo ends up in the crosshairs of animal rights activists (as well as politicians). Silvio Berlusconi attacks from the stage in Pavia: This one has gone crazy with this Dud. Dud needs to be sent for vivisection, he says of the Horseman’s dog. And Grillo then continues: I have a little dog like this, my wife has one. I hate these dogs, because the owners of those dogs don’t like animals, they don’t like dogs, they love their own dog and they hate other people.

The mammograms

A year later still controversy. This time the starred people are moving for the march for the basic income. About 50,000 people in Perugia-Assisi, everything seems to be proceeding calmly when an Adnkronos launch shakes up the day. Grillo’s words bounced off the media. For days they are looking for videos of the accident. ” Veronesi – the offending sentence – always goes on TV to advertise the need for women to have mammograms. And he says he does them every two years but the percentage difference between those who do them every two years and those who do them less often is only two per thousand. When the controversy breaks out, the basic income ends up in the shadows.

Gays and cocaine

In 2016, in September, with the directorate in crisis and the Roman junta in trouble, Grillo returns to the stage in Nettuno and angers the LGBT world. The guarantor criticizes “the system” which, in his opinion, was thrown against the M5S. “I was waiting for a warranty notice for me, I was waiting for five kilos of cocaine in the car, I was waiting for them to finally discover that he (referring to Luigi Di Maio, ed) is a homosexual”.

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June 18, 2023 (change June 18, 2023 | 14:10)


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