From Craxi to Garavaglia, all the names of the presidents elected in the Commissions

From Craxi to Garavaglia, all the names of the presidents elected in the Commissions


At Palazzo Madama FdI he obtained five presidencies, the Lega three while Forza Italia had two. A Montecitorio mounts the controversy over the absence of women among the fourteen elected

Five presidencies for Fratelli d’Italia, three for the Lega and two for Forza Italia. After the Chamber, the Senate also elected the presidency offices of the permanent commissions this morning. They belonged to the majority, as usual, and so it went. He will preside over the Justice Commission Giulia Bongiorno, of the League. She was also considered a candidate for the role of minister, before that Giorgia Meloni chose to bet on Carlo Nordio. For her, there was also talk of a sub-government position.

The Culture Commission also goes to the Carroccio, with the senator Roberto Martiand the one dedicated to Finance: in this case the choice fell on Massimo Garavaglia, after seeing the reconfirmation as Minister of Tourism fade, a role held in the last legislature with the Draghi government and today entrusted to Daniela Santanchè. Garavaglia’s name had also been associated with the role of Undersecretary for the Economy, a position he had held during the yellow-green executive.

By virtue of the balance in the majority, Giorgia Meloni’s party then squares Giulio Terzi of Sant’Agata to the Politics Commission of the European Union. A post similar to the biography of the former ambassador, a long-time diplomat and former holder of the Farnesina with the Monti government, which was also at stake for his appointment as foreign minister of this government. Always from the Melonian team they arrive Nicola Calandrini, who chairs the Economic Planning and Budget Commission, Luca Balboni to constitutional affairs, Francesco Zaffini who will lead Social Affairs e Luca De Carlo to which Industry belongs.

Forza Italia finally brings home the Foreign Affairs commission, with the confirmation of Stefania Craxi who in the last phase of the last legislature he had taken the place of Vito Petrocelli, the grillino close to Putin’s positions. The other blue presidency is that of the Environment: Claudio Fazzone is the name identified, after Gianfranco Micciché’s rejection of the proposal made “also by Berlusconi”, as he revealed in an interview with Repubblica. Miccichè, who is also the regional coordinator of the party in Sicily, has not yet decided whether to give up the seat of Palazzo Madama to devote himself to the one obtained in the regional ones in Sicily last September 26th. “It seems to me that they no longer have what to offer me to make me go away”, explained the former president of Ars, the protagonist of very bitter controversies with Nello Musumeci. A dynamic that evidently the center-right did not want to repeat, taking advantage of the opportunity of the presidencies of the Commission.

Yesterday the vote was instead to the Chamber with the election of the 14 presidents of the Commission and some (gender) controversy raised by the opposition. Giorgia Meloni’s party has grabbed seven: Giulio Tremonti for Foreign Affairs, Marco Osnato for Finance, Ciro Maschio for Justice, Mauro Rotelli for Environment, Salvatore Deidda for Transport, Federico Mollicone for Culture, and Walter Rizzetto for Work. Il Carroccio stopped at four: Mirco Ciarloni for Agriculture. Alessandro Giglio Vigna for European Policies, Antonino Minardo for Defense while Alberto Gusmeroli will lead the production activities. Finally, there are three presidencies for Forza Italia: this is Nazario Pagano for Constitutional Affairs, Ugo Cappellacci for Social Affairs and Giuseppe Mangiavolu for the Budget Commission.

Fourteen men out of fourteen appointments that have provoked criticism from the left, in particular from the Democratic Party, with Debora Serracchiani – protagonist of a controversy on gender issues with Giorgia Meloni, on the day of the programmatic speech at Montecitorio – who underlined the absence of female names.

The appointments of the Rai Supervisory Authority and Copasir, on which the negotiations between the oppositions have already started, with the Third Pole excluded from the vice presidencies of the Chamber and Senate – prerogative of the Pd and M5s as regards the opposition quota – will complete the puzzle of parliamentary positions – who claims for himself one of the two positions and fears the reappearance of the axis between dem and grillini.


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