Franceschini exalts Schlein, but the current goes out. Fassino leads the revolt for Bonaccini

Franceschini exalts Schlein, but the current goes out.  Fassino leads the revolt for Bonaccini


Don’t call it “current”. Because she no longer uses, sure, and maybe because she really isn’t. Not yet, at least. “It’s more a place for gathering, for reflection”: this is how he defines it Peter Fassino, which is the promoter of the initiative. But despite the display of modesty, the matter has a significant relevance in the rather fluid internal geography of the Democratic Party. Because it demonstrates that the party’s centrist body, the one that has so far followed the directives of Dario Franceschini, is disintegrating. The eternal weaver was unable to prevent a breach from appearing in the weave of his web: too sensational, for many of his gods, was the choice of the former Minister of Culture to support Elly Schlein at the congress. The move is too rash, presented not only as the result of tactical opportunism, positioning, in short, of that cunning of which Franceschini is the unreachable master in the center-left, but as a long-term strategic decision. And so AreaDem did not hold up: and, due to one of those paradoxes so typical of the troubled history of the Democratic Party, it was the leader of the former diessina component who led the sedition against the candidacy of “Comrade Elly”, that is that Fassino who last Wednesday brought together, via Zoom, a good dozen prominent exponents of the Franciscan current to formalize the distancing. “We have nothing to do with Schlein. We will support Stefano Bonaccini”. They even gave themselves a name: “Democratic Initiative”.

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