Francesca Verdini effect. The woman of Providence will succeed in dissolving the Northern League’s trucism

Francesca Verdini effect.  The woman of Providence will succeed in dissolving the Northern League's trucism


That natural fluid that even Zaia liquefied. With her you suddenly become not mature, but at least a little adult. And that, like you did with Salvini, you can also suggest to Piantedosi

We who do not believe in the excesses of diversity nevertheless have a benevolent inclination towards Providence. Now there are the women of Providenceconsoling because in the plural and therefore different from the man of Providence, gaiters and top hat. Giorgia and Elly, ça va sans dire. But Francesca (Verdini) is the best. It all depends on the spouse. There are those who have married women who are very sweet but with cruel ways, and are not liable to correction. And those who mate with women who fluidify in a good way, refine beyond gender certainties, tame the Beast who with votes who with feelings and ideas and experience.

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