Four appointments to encourage dialogue between countries and companies

Four appointments to encourage dialogue between countries and companies


Four appointments abroad to bring the Trento Festival of Economics to life throughout the year, bringing it to the international scene as a catalyst for debate on the key issues of the future: economic, social and environmental sustainability, the ecological and digital transitions, the redefinition of production, energy and governance systems to respond to the current crises on the planet.

The events of the «Road to Trento 2023» tour, starting on Monday 6 February, should be read from this point of view. The appointments, open to the public in presence and in streaming, are organized by Il Sole 24 Ore in collaboration with the Italian diplomatic offices around the world and with the support of Enel. They will provide opportunities for dialogue between apparently distant worlds: diplomacy, businesses, universities, research.

We will start from Lugano, with the event organized with the Italian Embassy in Bern and the University of Italian Switzerland, entitled «Ecological transition between digital finance and the energy challenge. Italy and Switzerland in comparison». On 25 February it will be the turn of San Francisco, for a seminar with the Italian Embassy in Washington led by Mariangela Zappia, on the theme: «Technological innovation between the industrial revolution and geopolitics». The event will be hosted in the new Italian innovation & culture hub Innovit. On 15 March the stage in Abu Dhabi, in collaboration with the embassy in the Emirate capital, led by Lorenzo Fanara. The theme will be «Italy and the United Arab Emirates towards Cop28»: we will take stock of strategies in view of the conference that will take place in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December.

The roadshow will conclude at the University of Johannesburg on 29 March with a seminar in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Pretoria and the Foreign Trade Office on «Scientific cooperation and development» and the new frontiers of relations between our country and South Africa. The baton will then pass to the Trento Festival, scheduled from 25 to 28 May, for the second edition organized by the 24 Ore Group with Trentino Marketing. «These initiatives interpret the renewed attention to the internationalization of the activities of the 24 Ore Group – comments the Dg Media & Business, Federico Silvestri -. A group that can contribute significantly to the enhancement of Italy in the world and of the exports of our companies as a decisive lever for growth”.


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