Forza Italia, Barelli new group leader in the Chamber. Ronzulli remains in the Senate

Forza Italia, Barelli new group leader in the Chamber.  Ronzulli remains in the Senate


Silvio Berlusconi has decided: Paolo Barelli – reads a note from the president of Forza Italia – is the new group leader in the Camera degli Azzurri. He takes the place of Alessandro Cattaneo, who becomes deputy national coordinator of the party. Licia Ronzulli is confirmed as group leader in the Senate, but she loses the coordination of Lombardy. In place of her, the force player Alessandro Sorte was appointed.

The document against Cattaneo

The choice comes after 31 out of 44 deputies signed a document against Cattaneo, and after rumors of support from Marta Fascina, Berlusconi’s companion, in favor of the more governmental wing of the party, all with the green light of the daughter of the Knight Marina Berlusconi. The official version is that the changeover takes place “in order to be ready for the next European elections, with a cohesive team rooted throughout the national territory”.

Seven new regional coordinators appointed

Berlusconi has also proceeded to appoint seven new Regional Coordinators: in addition to Sorte for Lombardy, Maria Elisabetta Casellati for Basilicata; Rosaria Tassinari for Emilia Romagna; Claudio Lotito for Molise; Marcello Caruso for Sicily; Marco Stella for Tuscany and Flavio Tosi for Veneto.


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