Forest enhancement, prioritization and mapping and merging of properties

Forest enhancement, prioritization and mapping and merging of properties


The path of construction – or rather reconstruction – of an economic supply chain linked to the management and enhancement of the forest in our country proceeds with a thousand difficulties, but it proceeds. And today “it’s well under way”, assures Alessandra Stefani, head of the Directorate General of the Mountain and Forestry Economy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests (Masaf).

«Thanks to the approval in 2018 of the Consolidated Forest Law (Tuf) approved and to the 12 implementing decrees approved so far, which allow its application, the concept of forest supply chain has entered the lexicon of all those who deal with this sector, from forest owners to sawmills, from initial processing companies to transformation companies», explained Stefani, speaking yesterday at the conference organized by FederlegnoArredo (Fla) in Milan on this very issue, which compared companies in the wood-furniture supply chain with national and regional institutions, as well as associations and research centres.

Reduce the import of timber from abroad

The progress made in recent years is undeniable, starting with the actions taken to create a statistical basis to those to train operators – but much remains to be done to create an integrated industrial chain capable of enhancing the 11 million hectares of forested area that cover over a third (36.5%) of the national territory and thus reduce our country’s dependence on timber imported from abroad (80% of that used for use or for industrial transformation) .

The latter issue has become particularly urgent in the last two years, given the strong increase in the price of the wood raw material and the prices for the rental of containers. It was understood that producing Italian wood is a virtuous activity, because this allows for the promotion of sustainable and active forest management (today just 18% of forests are subject to planning and less than 10% are certified), preventing fires and risks hydrogeological, to make available a naturally “green” raw material, which also contributes to the storage of carbon dioxide, and also to create wealth in the territories.

An opportunity for economic development

«We want to have more Italian wood available – said Alessandro Calcaterra, president of Fedecomlegno and Fla delegate for forests and forest certifications -. A wood from a supply chain that supports the principle of the cascade use of this material, favoring uses capable of creating greater added value». Furthermore, added Calcaterra, «the care of the woods also represents a great opportunity for economic and social development for the communities of mountain and rural areas, with the possibility of rebuilding wood supply chains that have disappeared for decades to the advantage of other European countries. We must favor forms of short supply chain and this requires a collective effort that allows us to affect a plurality of figures, public and private».


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