Floridia elected president of Rai supervision: the majority-opposition agreement holds

Floridia elected president of Rai supervision: the majority-opposition agreement holds


Senator Grillina at the top of the bicameral commission: the Third Pole also votes for her. Boschi and Montaruli new vice presidents

The senator of the M5s Barbara Florida she was elected president of the bicameral supervisory commission on Rai. The current grillina group leader in the Senate (who will have to leave office) obtained 39 votes (out of 42 members of the commission): the other three votes went one to Maria Elena Boschi (Action-Iv), one blank card and one void. Floridia’s election was rather obvious: the presidency of the public service supervisory commission has always been the prerogative of the opposition forces. In the last legislature the position had been held by the Forza Italia parliamentarian Alberto Barachini.

For us, the Commissions have institutional relevance and are not a political game. For this reason we will respect the agreements and we will vote Senator Barbara Floridia as president of the Rai Supervisory Commission, regardless of the choices that the representatives of the 5 Star Movement will make for the other Commission positions”, announced the exponent of the third pole Maria Elena Boschi before of the vote. Boschi herself was elected vice president of the commission (with 19 votes), a role she will hold together with the deputy of the Brothers of Italy Augusta Montaruli (16 preferences obtained). A sign that the agreement signed between the majority and the opposition has held.

As for the other political forces, the Democratic Party had announced in the morning that it had nominated the deputy Stefano Graziano as its group leader in committee.

Floridia was a candidate and elected to the Senate with the Five Star Movement in 2018. During the Draghi government, she held the position of undersecretary for education. For the M5s she was also a candidate for president of the last regional ones in Sicily, after the failure of the wide field experiment. She is considered one of the loyalists of former premier Giuseppe Conte.

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