Flood, Musumeci challenges the mayors: “The government is not an ATM”. Storm over his words: “Intolerable arrogance”

Flood, Musumeci challenges the mayors: "The government is not an ATM".  Storm over his words: "Intolerable arrogance"


Nello Musumeci challenges the mayors of Emilia-Romagna, returns requests for immediate answers from the government to the sender and replies mockingly: “We are not an ATM”. His words that unleash the wrath and protests of the Democratic Party, as well as local administrators. Musumeci, who has the delegation to the Civil Protection, had pronounced them yesterday, during the meeting with the governor of Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, and the mayors of the flooded areas, to reject requests for emergency funds. And he reiterated them today, arousing the indignation of the opposition and the accusation of “arrogance”.

Musumeci: “The government is not an ATM”

TO RaiNews24 Musumeci claimed to have said during the permanent table for the management of the flood emergency in Emilia-Romagna, set up in Palazzo Chigi, “that the government is not an ATM. This sentence – he underlined – should have also been said someone ten years ago if we wanted to avoid the condition in which we find ourselves in Italy in terms of territorial security”. And he added: “The table was born to be a coordination, which means discussing criteria and priorities. Instead, someone thought that the meeting should only serve to bring the list of expenses and collect. This is not the principle”.

The Democratic Party: “Unacceptable arrogance”

“The arrogance expressed by Musumeci is intolerable”, he attacks Francesco Boccia, leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate. “In the first days after the flood – he recalls – the government went to Emilia Romagna to make walkways with their boots in the mud. Now more than a month has passed, but the name of the reconstruction commissioner is still missing and above all the announced resources are missing Of the famous two billion of the decree there are only a few hundred million of fresh resources”. For Boccia, therefore, “it is unacceptable for the government to play tug-of-war with local institutions, for mere political interests, speculating on the skin of Emilian businesses and citizens. Resources are needed immediately to close the emergency phase and start reconstruction”.

He is of the same opinion Clare Braga, dem group leader in the Chamber. “Dear Minister Musumeci – he wrote on Twitter – Emilia Romagna is not a set for photos and filming. There are mayors, citizens, businesses that have been waiting for a month now for the appointment of a commissioner and the real resources for reconstruction and recovery With offenses and arrogance you don’t go far”.

To point the finger at the minister is also Pierluigi Bersani, recently returned to the Democratic Party. “But who does this minister think he is Musumeci? Do you really think you can arrogantly explain to the people of Romagna how things are done?”, he argues on Twitter.

Finally, the senator from Emilia Sandra Zampa adds: “The government has the duty and responsibility to help administrations, businesses and citizens affected by the flood, not the right to offend the mayors who rightly claim the aid that the Meloni government he announced with great fanfare. Musumeci instead of offending the mayors, apologize to them and work not for your own political side but to help the people of Emilia Romagna”.

M5S: “Meloni turns his back on the Romagnoli”

“The attitude that the Meloni government is holding towards the citizens of Romagna affected by the flood is frankly very bad. The minister Musumeci, he wanted to make it clear that the people of Romagna will have to deal with it on their own. This is the not at all veiled message sent to the mayors of the municipalities most affected by the disaster”, he says Ilaria Fontana, M5S group leader in the Environment Committee of the Chamber. “They had promised 2.6 billion, but they allocated only half of it against quantified damages of around 9 billion – he recalls Valeria Baldinodeputy group leader of the pentastellati in the Chamber – While the mayors ask for help to deal with the enormous hardships their communities experience, they receive snooty and opinionated answers from the government, which once again proves to be inconclusive and good only for chatting “

“It is inconceivable that a representative of the government, the minister of civil protection, treats the mayors of the areas affected by the flood in this way. But does this government realize what has happened? Wouldn’t it seem, given that in addition to denying aid to populations affected, has not yet taken any decision on the commissioner for reconstruction. It’s been a month since the flood, what have they been doing in all this time?”, he adds Danielle TortoM5S group leader in the Budget Committee in the Chamber”.


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